
Gelungene Dankesbriefe in einer Fremdsprache können Ihnen helfen, eine reibungslose Geschäftsbeziehung weiterzuentwickeln, z. B. mit einem neuen Arbeitgeber oder wenn Sie neu erworbene Kunden "warm" halten wollen. Mit diesen Sätzen verschaffen Sie sich eine professionelle Ausdrucksform.

Dankschreiben (Thank you letter) - Mustertexte und Formulierungshilfen

Formulierungshilfen und Mustertexte für Dankschreiben

  • allgemeine Formulierungshilfen und Tipps
  • Dankschreiben an einen Mitarbeiter für seine Leistungen
  • Dankschreiben an einen Besucher
  • Dankschreiben nach einem geschäftlichen Treffen
  • Dankschreiben an einen geschätzten Kunden
  • Dankschreiben für eine Einladung
Nach einem Geschäftstreffen – After a Business Meeting Expression
1. Sich bedanken für das Treffen/ Gastfreundlichkeit – thank your host for his/her hospitality

We would like to express our thanks for your hospitality and the warm welcome you gave us last week in San Diego.

We were most impressed by the organization of our three days there and the effective talks we had concerning [topic of the meeting].

Thank you so much for all your hard work in organizing our meeting last week, and to your staff for making the meeting happen.
2. Die Hauptthemen der Diskussion wiederholen/ unterstreichen – Repeat/emphasize the main topics of your discussion

As we discussed, the next step in our business venture will be to [outcome of the talks]. We all feel that consensus was reached on a few main topics, namely:

  • 1) [outcome of talks #1]
  • 2) [outcome of talks #2]
  • etc.
3. Einen Besuch in Ihren Räumen vorschlagen als Follow-up – Suggest a follow-up visit at your own offices

Perhaps we could return your generosity in our offices here in Germany later this year. We could then discuss the progress of the projects at hand. What time frame would you suggest for a follow-up meeting here in our offices? We would very much like to show you around and introduce you to some key staff.

It would be a privilege to welcome you to our offices here in Germany and show you our operations. Please let us know when it would suit you in the third quarter.
4. Brief abschließen – Closing remarks

It just remains to thank you once more, and please pass on our best wishes to your entire team.

We sincerely hope to see you later this year and to discuss these projects further.
Nach einer Kundenbestellung – After a Customer Order Expression
1. Sich bedanken für die Bestellung – Thanking the customer for his/her order

It has come to our attention that you recently placed a bulk order with our sales team.

We would like to thank you on behalf of [company name] for your recent purchase of [product/service]. It is truly a pleasure to do business with you. Thank you very much for choosing our company in your recent purchase of [goods/service].
2. Gratis Geschenk einfügen – Adding a complimentary gift

As a token of our appreciation, we are enclosing [description of gift]. We would like to reward your custom by offering you [description of gift]. To show our appreciation, we are offering you a discount of [XY%] on your next purchase.

Word of mouth is the best form of advertising in any business: please also find enclosed some business cards to pass on to contacts who may need our services too.
3. Feedback erfragen – Asking for Feedback

We trust you are truly satisfied with the quality of our product. If, however, there are any improvements you feel we could make, please tell us and we’ll do our best to address your needs.

If you would like to make a comment, you can e-mail or phone me on my office number: [e-mail address/telephone number].
4. Brief abschließen – Closing remarks

Once again, we at [company] would like to thank you for your business and look forward to being of service to you in the near future.

Thank you very much for your loyalty and we hope to be of service again soon.
Type of letter: Nach einem Interview Expression
1. Sich bedanken – Thanking the interviewer for their time

It was a pleasure to meet with you and your team and get to know your company better. I much appreciated our discussion and the expertise you have.

Thank you for your time last Friday and the lively interview discussion. I benefited from new insights into how your company operates on the global market.
2. Kernpunkte des Gesprächs wiederholen – Reiterate key points in the discussion

I found it especially interesting to learn...

What I understood is…

As we discussed…

Just to reiterate: the key challenge of this position, as I understand it, is to…
3. Eignung für die Stelle unterstreichen – Emphasizing your suitability for the position

Allow me to reinforce what makes my experience a good fit for the job requirements:

  • Managed a team of 10 people in a successful campaign for “XY” software
  • Successfully dealt with a budget of 10m euros per annum
  • Built up a fast-growing brand over 12 months
4. Abschluss des Briefes – Ending the letter A leader in brand development will help launch your product into new markets, and I can see myself in this role. I look forward to the next step i...

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