
To Whom It May Concern:

It is our pleasure to comment on the performance of Titus Dyllus, who began working as a Designer in our Design Department on [date] . Since [date], he has held the position of Senior Designer.

[name of company] Germany is a leading developer and producer of automobile parts and accessories. Our well-known clients include [name of company], [name of company] and [name of company]. We are headquartered in [city] and employ 335 staff.

As a Designer Mr. Dyllus produced analyses and reports on current trends and developed design models for the interior (passenger compartments) and exterior of automobiles. As a result of his excellent performance we promoted him to Senior Designer. In this position, he was a member of a team of three Senior Designers responsible for our design projects, reporting directly to the Head of Technology and Design. Mr. Dyllus’s job profile as Senior Designer included the following main tasks:

  • Planning, managing and supervising design projects
  • Leading and directing creative teams from concept to completion
  • Translating technical requirements into specific product designs utilizing all available technical expertise
  • Problem solving for design development, modeling and construction
  • Creating and managing prototypes
  • Coordinating cooperation with customers and with internal and external project partners
  • Documenting project goals, progress and development results
  • Producing analyses and reports on new design trends
  • Internal and external presentation of design concepts

His most significant projects included the following:

  • [date]: [short project description]
  • [date]: [short project description]
  • [date]: [short project description]
  • [date]: [short project description]

Mr. Dyllus has absolute state-of-the-art expertise in the field of automotive design, which he skillfully combines with creative thinking, a functional approach and extensive experience in project management. He analyzed customer requirements thoroughly and, in cooperation with his team, consistently developed excellent concepts and solutions. In particular, we would like to underline his exceptionally strong problem-solving skills, his aesthetic sense and his profound knowledge of manufacturing processes. He has complete mastery of [name of software] and [name of software]. Even when multi-tasking and working under extreme pressure, Mr. Dyllus always maintained a good overview and paid careful attention to detail. He managed the entire range of his responsibilities competently and confidently.

Mr. Dyllus thoroughly identified with all of his responsibilities and fulfilled them with the highest level of dedication, precision and diligence. His working style was marked by self-sufficiency, conscientiousness, efficiency, precision and goal-orientation. We were always able to rely upon his expert analyses, and his customer and market-oriented design concepts and solutions. Together with his team, Mr. Dyllus delivered top notch results punctually and within budget, consistently achieving all established goals. We would also particularly like to highlight his significant contributions to the creation of our well-known product lines [name of product line] and [name of product line].

He motivated the members of his project teams to outstanding achievements by setting goals, creating a cooperative working atmosphere and by educating them through project development and performance management. Mr. Dyllus has the valuable capacity to involve and integrate others into the project team and lead them to excellent results through his own enthusiasm and dedication. Without exception, he completed all his tasks always to our utmost satisfaction.

Mr. Dyllus displayed commendable commitment to working on a team and was both well respected and well-liked by superiors, colleagues and the members of his creative teams alike. His professional conduct was always loyal, trustworthy, reliable and exemplary. Mr. Dyllus represented our company exceptionally well at all times, and articulated and presented our creative concepts convincingly, so that he was also highly regarded by all our clients.

This letter of reference has been written due to the unfortunate fact that as a result of ongoing difficult economic conditions and related staff reductions, the position of Mr. Dyllus will be terminated on [date]. We greatly regret this development and would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Dyllus for his outstanding contributions. It was always a pleasure to work with him. We wish him all the best for his future, both personally and professionally.



Rolf Möllendorff

SVP & General Manager

Central & Northern Europe


Bernt Solbatscheck

General Manager


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