Welche Inhalte sollte ein typisches Local File enthalten?

  • Das Local File beschreibt die gesellschaftsspezifische Organisation und Tätigkeit der einzelnen Konzerngesellschaft
  • Es beinhaltet ein transaktionsbezogenes Funktions- und Risikoprofil, eine Transaktionsbeschreibung und eine Angemessenheitsanalyse
  • Bewährt hat sich die Erstellung von Teilmodulen je Transaktionstyp

Die jüngste Veröffentlichung der OECD vom 05.10.2015[1] schlägt folgende Inhalte für ein Localfile vor:


The following information should be included in the local file:


Local entity

  • A description of the management structure of the local entity, a local organization chart and a description of the individuals to whom local management reports and the country(ies) in which such individuals maintain their principal offices.
  • A detailed description of the business and business strategy pursued by the local entity including an indication whether the local entity has been involved in or affected by business restructurings or intangibles transfers in the present or immediately past year and an explanation of those aspects of such transactions affecting the local entity.
  • Key competitors.

Controlled transactions

For each material category of controlled transactions in which the entity is involved, provide the following information:

  • A description of the material controlled transactions (e.g. procurement of manufacturing services, purchase of goods, provision of services, loans, financial and performance guarantees, licenses of intangibles etc.) and the context in which it takes place.
  • The amount of intra-group payments and receipts for each category of controlled transactions involving the local entity (i.e. payments and receipts for products, services, royalties, interest etc.) broken down by tax jurisdiction of the foreign payor or recipient.
  • The identification of associated enterprises involved in each category of controlled transactions, and the relationship amongst them.
  • Copies of all material intercompany agreements concluded by the local entity.
  • A detailed comparability and functional analysis of the taxpayer and relevant associated enterprises with respect to each documented category of controlled transactions, including any changes compared to prior years.1
  • An indication of the most appropriate transfer pricing method with regard to the category of transaction and the reasons for selecting that method.
  • An indication of which associated enterprise is selected as the tested party, if applicable, and an explanation of the reasons for this selection.
  • A summary of the important assumptions made in applying the transfer pricing methodology.
  • If relevant, an explanation of the reasons for performing a multi-year analysis.
  • A list and description of selected comparable uncontrolled transactions (internal or external), if any, and information on relevant financial indicators for independent enterprises relied on in the transfer pricing analysis, including a description of the comparable search methodology and the source of such information.
  • A description of any comparability adjustments performed, and an indication of whether adjustments have been made to the results of the tested party, the comparable uncontrolled transactions, or both.
  • A description of the reasons for concluding that relevant transactions were priced on an arm’s length basis based on the application of the selected transfer pricing method.
  • A summary of financial information used in applying the transfer pricing methodology.
  • A copy of existing unilateral and bilateral/multilateral APAs and other tax rulings to which the local tax jurisdiction is not a party and which are related to controlled transactions described above.

Financial information

  • Annual local entity financial accounts for the fiscal year concerned. If audited statements exist they should be supplied and if not, existing unaudited statements should be supplied.
  • Information and allocation schedules showing how the financial data used in applying the transfer pricing method may be tied to the annual financial statements.
  • Summary schedules of relevant financial data for comparables used in the analysis and the sources from which that data was obtained.

Wie kann die Angemessenheitsanalyse vorgenommen werden?

Wie die transaktionsbezogene Angemessenheitsanalyse durchgeführt werden kann, beschreiben die OECD-Richtlinien[2] wie folgt:


1. Schritt Festlegung der erfassten Jahre.
2. Schritt

Breitgefächerte Analyse der für den Steuerpflichtigen geltenden

3. Schritt Den bzw. die untersuchten konzerninternen Geschäftsvorfälle verstehen, insbesondere auf der Basis einer Funktionsanalyse, um (sofern nötig) das untersuchte Unternehmen, die jeweils am besten geeignete Verrechnungspreismethode und den zu prüfenden Finanzindikator (im Fall einer geschäftsvorfallbezogenen Gewinnmethode) auszuwählen sowie die signifikanten Vergleichbarkeitsfaktoren zu identifizieren, die berücksichtigt werden sollen.
4. Schritt Überprüfung der internen ...

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