Controller Magazin spezial international 2015 | Controller Magazin

Enabling executives to identify revenue potential, making important decisions and being ready for action faster – these are some of the controlling philosophies of the International Controller Association (ICV). Reports from 11 countries in this issue impressively show how the ICV supports the controllers’ daily work with useful knowledge, experience exchange and networking, promotes controllers’ careers and contributes to the economic success of the company.


  • ICV: “The Past Shapes Our Future”
  • 20 Years International Group of Controlling
  • Belgium: Controlling Meets Management Accounting
  • Croatia: The Croatian Public Sector Meets Controlling
  • Poland: Career in Controlling of the Polish Post / Changes in the ICV Poland / Work-Life Balance
  • Russia: Events in Russia
  • Slovenia: The 20 Years of Controlling in Slovenia
  • Serbia: Controller as a Business Partner
  • Spain: Spain Gains a Foothold with the ICV Working Group
  • Hungary: Behaviour Patterns of Controlling
  • Saudi Arabia: Performance Management Practice
  • CA International: Tranfer Prices – an Important International Issue

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kostenpflichtig Controller Magazin   08.07.2024

Da Planung & Forecasting das Herzstück jeglicher Controllertätigkeit sind, haben wir den Schwerpunkt dieser Ausgabe diesem Thema gewidmet. ...

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