Controller Magazin spezial international 2016 | Controller Magazin

The International Association of Controllers (ICV), its international working groups and associated institutions like the International Group of Controlling (IGC) look back on a successful year with many highlights of conferences, workshops and publications. It was impressive like the members want to promote controlling for their sustainable business and personal success. In this process new cooperations for mutual benefit – and even friendships – are established across borders. Reports from many countries and task groups of the ICV in this issue show the progress and success of of the ICVs international activities and branches in the last years.


  • ICV: Big steps forward in an anniversary year
  • ICV Dream Factory: Business analytics for the controller
  • ICV International: “Come together, work together, learn together, develop together”
  • IGC – International Group of Controlling: Time for change
  • CA International: Controlling goes international – strong support from ICV and CA
  • Poland: ICV in Poland/Beyond budgeting/Polish version of modern budgeting
  • Russia: Partnership with Russia
  • Spain: Collaborating with local expert groups
  • Slovenia: Controlling is spreading all over europe and beyond.
  • Croatia: The specifics of croatian controlling
  • Serbia: Maradona, IT, robot or something completely different?
  • China: Do you have children?

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Controller Magazin 4/2024
kostenpflichtig Controller Magazin   08.07.2024

Da Planung & Forecasting das Herzstück jeglicher Controllertätigkeit sind, haben wir den Schwerpunkt dieser Ausgabe diesem Thema gewidmet. ...

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