Controller Magazin spezial international 2019 | Controller Magazin

In this special international edition of Controller Magazin we report on working groups and the ICV Think Tank, on congresses and awards, on strong partners of the ICV like the International Group of Controlling or CA controller akademie as well as on the companies practice. You will read how the digital transformation is being mastered by controllers around the world. In this way the ICV will enable its members and their companies to survive in stormy, all-changing times.


  • Prepare for your Future (Hans-Peter Sander | ICV)
  • Award for exemplary controlling work (Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler | IGC)
  • Intelligent process automation (Prof. Dr. Ronald Gleich, Dr. Jan Christoph Munck, Alexander Schlüter | ICV Think Tank)
  • Future tasks for controllers (Jens Ropers | CA International)
  • Controller or machine: Who will come out on top? (Prof. Dr. Harald Kitzmann | Estonia)
  • Smart controlling – challenges in Estonia 2019 (Jasmina Očko | Croatia)
  • Measuring the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of support services (Romina Oreskovic, Dr. Herwig R. Friedag | ICV International Work Group)
  • International Work Group: On tour again, this time in Spain (Dr. Tomasz M. Zielińsky | Poland)
  • Resource and Process Consumption Accounting (RPCA) (Dr. Mladen Meter | Croatia)
  • Management by One Number (MBON) (Ralph Treitz, Prof. Dr. Andreas Seufert | ICV Expert Work Group BI Big Data & Controlling)
  • Closing the digital gap (Michael Döller, Jasper van der Westhuizen | South Africa)
  • Nampak DivFood lifts the lid on profitability and pricing (Dragica Erčulj | Slovenia)
  • Controller and manager as business partners in Slovenia (Rainer Pollmann | ICV Expert Work Group)
  • The Benefits of Communication Controlling (Prof. Dr. Veselin Perović | Serbia)
  • Controlling or fighting with windmills (Dr. Herwig R. Friedag | China)
  • A strategy for China (Raef Lawson | IMA)
  • Developing an effective managerial costing model (Workgroups: Rooting the ICV controlling philosophy)

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Controller Magazin 4/2024
kostenpflichtig Controller Magazin   08.07.2024

Da Planung & Forecasting das Herzstück jeglicher Controllertätigkeit sind, haben wir den Schwerpunkt dieser Ausgabe diesem Thema gewidmet. ...

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