Controller Magazin Spezial zu Ausgabe 5/2014 | Controller Magazin

This issue is dedicated to one of the current key topics in the controlling community. Apart from “Sustainability & Controlling” we are focusing on these questions in 2014: “Which effects will Big Data have on controlling, and how we can prepare for this new challenge?” Ande we are looking forward to the 40th anniversary of the International Controller Association (ICV), which represents a success story of its own.


  • ICV and IGC: The interrelationship between IGC and ICV
  • Big Data: “Enabler“ of the controllers’ role as business partners
  • CA International: International customer controlling - A look beyond borders
  • Spain: Successful Cooperation
  • Hungary: Controllers’ communication skills
  • Poland: 8th International Controller Congress
  • German-Polish Working Group - 1st Polish-RussianWorking Group
  • Croatia: ICCC International Controlling Conference in Croatia
  • Serbia: Number 2 in Controlling
  • Czech Republic: Business management process based on the M-C model
  • Belarus: Controlling in Belarus
  • Russia: Strategy Conference in Kaliningrad

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Controller Magazin 4/2024
kostenpflichtig Controller Magazin   08.07.2024

Da Planung & Forecasting das Herzstück jeglicher Controllertätigkeit sind, haben wir den Schwerpunkt dieser Ausgabe diesem Thema gewidmet. ...

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