BMF, Schreiben v. 2.1.2018, III C 3 - S 7492/07/10001, BStBl I 2018, 83

1 Anlage

Die Liste der amtlichen Beschaffungsstellen in der Fassung des BMF-Schreibens vom 6.1.2017 – III C 3 – S 7492/07/10001 (2016/1166460) –, BStBl 2017 I S. 99, wird durch die beiliegende Liste mit dem Stand vom 1.1.2018 ersetzt.

Dieses Schreiben steht ab sofort für eine Übergangszeit auf den Internetseiten des Bundesministeriums der Finanzen ( unter der Rubrik Themen – Steuern – Steuerarten – Umsatzsteuer – BMF-Schreiben/Allgemeines – zum Herunterladen bereit.

Besprechung zu dieser Verwaltungsanweisung



der amtlichen Beschaffungsstellen und Organisationen der ausländischen
Streitkräfte, die zur Erteilung von Aufträgen auf
abgabenbegünstigte Leistungen berechtigt sind
(Stand: 1.1.2018)

A. Amerikanische Truppen

I. Organisationen mit haushaltsrechtlichem Sondervermögen und aus Haushaltsmitteln finanzierte Stellen

a) Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
  (1) HQ Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Dallas
  (2) Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Europe Region (AAFES-E)
b) IMCOM EUROPE G-9 (Family & MWR) sowie
  (1) USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Family & MWR
  (2) USAG Wiesbaden Family & MWR
  (3) USAG Stuttgart Family & MWR
  (4) USAG Ansbach Family & MWR
  (5) USAG Bavaria Family & MWR
c) Community Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Fund (CMWRF) and USAFE AFAFRICA VAT Relief Offices:
  (1) USAG Stuttgart Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (2) USAG Garmisch Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (3) USAG Kaiserslautern Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (4) USAG Franconia Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (5) USAG Ansbach Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (6) USAG Hohenfels Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (7) USAG Wiesbaden Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (8) USAG Baumholder Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (9) USAG Baden-Württemberg Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (10) USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (11) USAG Hessen Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (12) USAG Bavaria Tax Relief Office, Germany
  (13) USAFE 86 FSS/SVFV Ramstein Tax-Relief Office
  (14) 52 FSS/FSR Spangdahlem Tax Relief Office
  (15) 470 ABS/SVFA Geilenkirchen Tax Relief Office
d) USAFE Services Fund (A1SRC – NAF Contracting)
e) American Forces Network (AFN) Fund
f) Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DODDS) Fund
g) HQDA MWR Fund (AFRC Garmisch)
h) The Stars and Stripes Fund
i) DTRA Annex, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
j) HQ, 409th Contracting Support Brigade (CSB), Kaiserslautern sowie
  (1) Theater Contracting Center & HQ, 903rd Contingency Contracting Battalion, Kaiserslautern
  (2) Regional Contracting Office Bavaria
  (3) Regional Contracting Office Benelux Sint-Stevens-Woluwe
  (4) Regional Contracting Office Stuttgart
  (5) Regional Contracting Office Wiesbaden
k) 266th Theater Finance Command
l) 2d Theater Signal Brigade (TSB)
m) USAREUR Vehicle Registry Fund
n) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE):
  (1) USACE Europe District
  (2) USACE Huntsville Engineering & Support Center (HNC), Huntsville, Alabama
o) Defense Finance & Accounting Service (DFAS) – Oploc Europe
p) Defense Logistics Agency (DLA):
  (1) DLA Troop Support Philadelphia
  (2) DLA Troop Support Philadelphia – European Region
  (3) DLA Distribution Europe
  (4) DLA Disposition Services Europe & Africa
  (5) DLA Installation Operations Europe & Africa
  (6) DLA Energy Europe & Africa
  (7) Defense Energy Supply Center – Europe (DESC-E)
  (8) Defense Energy Support Center, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
q) Defense Contract Management Agency – Southern Europe
r) U.S. Army Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) Contracting Offices:
  (1) Army NAF Contracting Europe (INWR-NC-E)
  (2) USAG Vicenza, Italy
  (3) USAG Benelux, Belgium
s) USAREUR Billeting Fund
t) SOCAFRICA Contracting Office J42, Moehringen
u) HQ, 414th Contracting Support Brigade, Vicenza, Italy sowie
  (1) Regional Contracting Office Africa (Vicenza, Italy)
  (2) Regional Contracting Office Italy (Vicenza, Italy)
  (3) Regional Contracting Office Livorno (Livorno, Italy)
v) U.S. Air Force (USAF) Contracting Activities:
  (1) 31 Contracting Squadron, Aviano Air Base, Italy
  (2) 52 Contracting Squadron, Spangdahlem Air Base
  (3) 700 Contracting Squadron, Kapaun Air Station, Kaiserslautern
  (4) 764 Specialized Contracting Squadron, Kapaun Air Station, Kaiserslautern
  (5) 48 Contracting Squadron, RAF Lakenheath, United Kingdom
  (6) 501 Regional Contracting Office, RAF Alconbury, United Kingdom
  (7) 65 Contracting Flight, Lajes Field, Azores, Portugal
  (8) 496 Air Base Squadron, Operational Contracting Office, Moron, Spain
  (9) 772 Enterprise Sourcing Squadron (FA8903), Lackland AFB, US
w) Field Operating Base-Europe, Stuttgart
x) 405th Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB)
  (1) 405th AFSB LRC Wiesbaden
  (2) 405th AFSB LRC Stuttgart
  (3) 405th AFSB LRC Bavaria
  (4) 405th AFSB LRC Kaiserslautern
  (5) 405th AFSB LRC Ansbach
  (6) 405th AFSB BASOPS Maintenance Division
y) DODDS European Procurement Office
z) Regional Health Contracting Office – Europe,...

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