Nr. Indikator GL-W[1]
Part 1 Asset Performance  
Health and Wellbeing    
  Hea 01 Daylighting
  Hea 02 Control of glare from sunlight
  Hea 03 Internal and external lighting levels [x]
  Hea 04 Lighting control [x]
  Hea 05 Minimising flicker from lighting systems [x]
  Hea 06 View out
  Hea 07 User comfort control [x]
  Hea 08 Ventilation system air intakes and exhausts [x]
  Hea 09 Carbon dioxide sensors [x]
  Hea 10 Carbon monoxide detection [x]
  Hea 11 Provision of rest areas [x]
  Hea 12 Inclusive Design [x]
  Hea 13 Drinking water provision
  Ene 01 Building services
  Ene 02 Percentage of mechanical ventilation
  Ene 03 Fabric performance
  Ene 04 Air permeability of the fabric
  Ene 05 Cooling
  Ene 06 Heating
  Ene 07 Internal lighting [x][x]
  Ene 08 Ventilation
  Ene 09 Water heating
  Ene 10 Demand side management (DSM) capabilities for electricity
  Ene 11 Installed controls [x]
  Ene 12 Local energy performance asset rating
  Ene 13 Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels [x]
  Ene 14 Solar thermal panels [x]
  Ene 15 Monitoring energy use [x]
  Ene 16 Monitoring tenanted use [x]
  Ene 17 External lighting [x]
  Ene 18 Energy efficient transport systems [x]
  Tra 01 Alternative modes of transport [x]
  Tra 02 Proximity to public transport
  Tra 03 Proximity to amenities
  Tra 04 Pedestrian and cyclist safety [x]
  Wat 01 Water monitoring [x][x]
  Wat 02 Water efficient equipment: toilets [x][x]
  Wat 03 Water efficient equipment: urinals [x][x]
  Wat 04 Water efficient equipment: hand washing basins taps [x][x]
  Wat 05 Water efficient equipment: showers [x][x]
  Wat 06 Water efficient equipment: white goods [x][x]
  Wat 07 Leak detection system
  Wat 08 Leak prevention
  Wat 09 Isolation valves
  Wat 10 Reducing utility-supplied water consumption [x]
  Rsc 01 Condition survey
  Rsc 02 Reuse and recycling facilities [x]
  Rsc 03 Resources invento [x]
  Rsc 04 Future adaption
  Rsl 01 Flood risk assessment
  Rsl 02 Surface water run-off impact mitigation
  Rsl 03 Natural hazard risk assessment
  Rsl 04 Durable and resilient features
  Rsl 05 Alarm systems
Land Use and Ecology    
  Lue 01 Planted area [x][x]
  Lue 02 Ecological features of planted area [x][x]
  Pol 01 Minimising watercourse polluti [x]
  Pol 02 Chemical storage
  Pol 03 Local air quality
  Pol 04 Global warming potential of refrigerants
  Pol 05 Refrigerant leak detection systems
[1] GL-W = Green-Lease-Wirkungsgrad; [x] = geringer Wirkungsgrad; [x][x] = mittlerer Wirkungsgrad; [x][x][x] = hoher Wirkungsgrad; eigene Einschätzung.

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