Englische Mustervorlagen zum Versenden an nicht-deutschsprachige Personen, um Dank auszudrücken.
Die englische Übersetzung dient der besseren Verständigung mit nicht-deutschsprachigen Mitarbeitern. Grundsätzlich hat der Arbeitgeber das Recht, die Unternehmens- und Vertragssprache festzulegen. Das Sprachrisiko trägt dabei der Arbeitnehmer. Eine Pflicht, Dokumente auf Englisch zur Verfügung zu stellen, besteht nicht, sondern ist als Entgegenkommen des Arbeitgebers zu verstehen.
Dankschreiben an Mitarbeiter
Thank you!
Dear Mr/Ms ................................... [Name]!
I want to congratulate you and your entire team for your outstanding efforts and hard work on the implementation of our latest software application at (customer name). We’ve never had a customer more satisfied with our metrics results and performance!
After the contract was signed, (Customer)’s managing director expressed his confidence in our team by stating "We are very confident in your capabilities. Your staff has effectively reached out to our target audi-ence at such a high frequency considering the short timeframe given".
Again, I would like to thank you for all your hard work. This is just the beginning of a very good year for us and we are very happy to have such a wonderful, enthusiastic and dedicated team on board.
Dankschreiben an Besucher
Dear Mr/Ms ................................... [Name]!
................................... [Grund des Besuchs]
This is a personal THANK YOU for attending our ................................... [Event] and for delivering such a well-received speech.
We appreciate your continuing support, and we hope to have you amidst our guests on future occasions.
Yours sincerely
Dankschreiben nach einem geschäftlichen Treffen
Dear Mr/Ms ................................... [Name],
It was a privilege to meet and discuss with you the vision of Global Home Corp in New York last week. As we discussed, I believe our two companies can continue to work towards common goals in the future and particularly in our upcoming symposium in Helsinki in June.
We were delighted to savour the flavours at [Location Name] in [Ort]. It was a most enjoyable evening for everyone here and we are looking forward to returning the hospitality when you come to [Ort] in spring.
Your team’s expert negotiating skills have been a real bonus in the last few months and are much appreciated by our team here. We look forward to many more joint projects.
Best wishes
Dankschreiben an einen geschätzten Kunden
Dear Mr/Ms ................................... [Name],
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for using our services. As a sign of our gratitude, we would like to offer you a month-long free subscription to our premium newsletter so that you can continue to enjoy the benefits of our English team of experts. If you can see any other ways in which we can support your business needs, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Dankschreiben für eine Einladung
Dear Mr/Ms ................................... [Name],
Invitation to Party on................................... [Datum]
Thank you very much for inviting my husband and me to your party on ......................... [Datum]. We would love to come!
It will be an ideal opportunity to socialise with my colleagues and their spouses.
Many thanks again.
Yours truly