
Checkliste zur Überprüfung welche wichtigen Punkte beim Abschluss eines befristeten Arbeitsverhältnisses beachtet werden sollten.


Für Arbeitsverträge, die auf bestimmte Zeit geschlossen werden, gilt das Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz (TzBfG). Der Gesetzgeber sieht vor, dass befristete Arbeitsverhältnisse grundsätzlich nur dann wirksam zustande kommen, wenn ein sachlicher Grund die Befristung rechtfertigt. Unter sehr engen Voraussetzungen können befristete Arbeitsverhältnisse ausnahmsweise aber auch ohne Sachgrund wirksam vereinbart werden. Darüber hinaus unterscheidet man Zeitbefristungen, die zu einem vertraglich vorgesehen Zeitpunkt enden, und Zweckbefristungen, die dann enden, wenn ein bestimmter Zweck erreicht wird. Vom Abschluss eines befristeten Arbeitsverhältnisses bis zu seinem Ende sollten die folgenden Punkte beachtet werden:

Checklist: time limited employment contracts. What has to be considered by the employer?

Arrangement of a time limited employment contract  
Is the contract of employment written down at the date of the agreed beginning of work?  
If the contract is time limited because of a purpose (“Zweckbefristung”), the purpose has to be fixed in writing.  

Does one of these following exemplary objective reasons for a time limit exist?

  • The operational need for work performance exists only for a limited time,
  • the setting of a time limit happens only once in connection with a traineeship or a course of studies in order to make it easier for the employee to get an occupation afterwards,
  • the employee is planned as a stand-in for another employee,
  • the special kind of work performance justifies a limited employment,
  • the limited employment is a trial measure,
  • reasons concerning the employee himself/ herself justify a limited employment,
  • the employee gets his/ her salary from resources assigned for a limited employment, and according to this he/ she is employed, or
  • the limited employment bases on a judicial arrangement.
Does another reason exist, which matches the measures of value written down in § 14 Abs. 1 TzBfG?
Does one of the following premises for a calendar related limited employment without purpose exist?  
  • The employer did not have a limited or unlimited employment with the employee during the last 3 years.
  • The overall duration of the limited employment (including extensions) is lasting no longer than two years.
  • The once limited contract can only be extended three times.
Does one of the following premises for a limited employment with an older employee without purpose exist?  
  • The employee is older than 52 years.
  • The employee was directly before the limited employment at least 4 months without any work or has got “Transferkurzarbeitergeld“ or participated in a public sponsored employment.
  • The overall duration of the limited employment (including extensions) is lasting no longer than 5 years.
Does one of the following premises for a calendar related limited employment without purpose, after setting up a business, exist?  
  • It is a start-up company, not only a start-up of a business within an already existing company or only the removal of a business.
  • The date of the beginning of work is within the first four years after beginning of employment
  • The employer did not have a limited or unlimited employment with the employee during the last three years.
  • The overall duration of the limited employment (including extensions) is lasting no longer than four years
Should the duration of the limited employment contract be extended:  
  • In case of a limited number of acceptable contract extensions, have these not been exceeded?
  • The extension of the limited employment is linked directly to the previous one.
  • The extension of the limited employment was agreed before expiration of the contract which has to be extended
  • Within the framework of an extension, only the date of termination was changed not the other conditions of the contract.
  • The extension was set out in written form.
Have the existing wage agreements been checked whether they contain regulations regarding limited employment contract, e.g. another maximum duration for limitations or a different number of legitimate contract extensions?  
Has the staff council been involved according to § 99 BetrVG?  
During the time limited employment contract  
Are the limited employees informed regularly about non limited jobs which are available?  
Does anybody ensure that limited employed employees get the opportunity to take part in further education measures in order to promote their occupational development and mobility?  
Does the staff council get regular information about the number of limited employees and the share of those on the whole members of staff and the company?  
Should the limited employment contract be dismissed:  
  • Are the requirements for an extra-ordinary dismissal given?
  • Are the requirements for an exceptionally legitimate contractual notice of dismissal given?
  • Possibility for a contractual notice of dismissal has been agreed in the individual ...

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