
Muster aus: zerb.1095 Anwaltformulare Testamente, Tanck-Krug-Süß, 6. Aufl. 2020 (zerb verlag)

Muster 26.64: Zeugenklausel (englische Fassung)

This is my Will: I ask the persons who sign below to be my witnesses.

Signed on _________________________ at _________________________.

(Signature of Maker of Will)

Each of us declares under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct:

a. On the date written below the maker of this Will declared to us that this instrument was the maker's Will and requested us to act as witnesses to it;

b. We understand this is the maker's Will;

c. The maker signed this Will in our presence, all of us being present at the same time;

d. We now, at the maker's request, and in the maker's and each other's presence, sign below as witnesses;

e. We believe the maker is of sound mind and memory;

f. We believe that this Will was not procured by duress, menace, fraud or undue influence;

g. The maker is age 18 or older; and

h. Each of us is now age 18 or older, is a competent witness, and resides at the address set forth after his or her name.


Signature of witness: _________________________ Signature of witness: _________________________
Print name here: _________________________ Print name here: _________________________
Residence address: _________________________ Residence address: _________________________

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